Funding structure
The Program admits doctoral students to the combined degree internally. That is, students will be admitted on fellowships to any of our partner departments and will subsequently apply to the combined degree in the spring of the first year of graduate study. The Program provides additional funding to admitted students for enhanced language study, skills acquisition, and research/conference travel. This extra financial support will enable students in this field to gain valuable additional training during their graduate programs.
Required Coursework
The Program’s new structure aims to achieve greater parity among requirements for each individual combined program, eliminating large differences in terms of coursework, language training, orals, etc. where possible. Students will generally follow the basic format of their home department’s doctoral program with enhanced attention to training, scholarship, and teaching in early modern fields. Within this framework, students in the combined program will take at least one third of their coursework in early modern studies (see details under Graduate Study).
Prospectus workshop
The prospectus workshop, to be taken in the third year and collaboratively taught by Program faculty, will offer a clear structure for developing dissertation projects as well as for professional development mentoring and support.
International Exchanges
The Program actively encourages students to develop international experience and will support it through exchange and visiting programs at partner institutions across the world. Yale currently has existing exchange programs with several major institutions including University College London (UCL), the École Normale Supérieur in Paris, and the Scuola Normale in Pisa.