English Language and Literature

Doctoral students in English Language and Literature may apply in the second semester of graduate study to the Program in Early Modern Studies, to pursue a combined PhD degree in English and Early Modern Studies. All requirements for the PhD in English apply, with the following adjustments.

Course work In years one and two, a student in the combined program will complete ten seminars in English, including The Teaching of English (ENGL 990), two courses on early modern texts and/or topics, one course in each of two out of three additional historical periods (medieval, eighteenth- and/or nineteenth- century, twentieth- and/or twenty-first century), and two seminars in Early Modern Studies, including the Workshop in Early Modern Studies (EMST 700/701) and one seminar outside of English. Students will also participate in the Early Modern Studies Colloquium (EMST 800/801).

Qualifying examination Students will follow the usual procedures for oral qualifying exams in English, with the additional requirement that at least two of their four lists must concentrate on early modern texts and topics. 

Prospectus In addition to enrolling in the English Department Prospectus Workshop (ENGL 993) in fall, third-year students in the combined program will enroll in EMST 900.

Dissertation Committee At least one faculty member affiliated with the Program in Early Modern Studies must be on the committee. The chair of the committee will be in English, but students in the combined program are encouraged to include at least one faculty member from outside of English on their committees.