Coursework The required number of courses and timeline for coursework follows the GERM Department guidelines.
Students will also enroll in EMST 700/701 and EMST 800/801 during the second year of coursework, and they will enroll in EMST 900 during the spring of year three. These courses do not count towards the total number of courses required for the Ph.D. in GERM.
Language Requirement The language requirement will follow the GERM department requirements.
Qualifying Examination Qualifying exams will follow the GERM department requirements with the added requirement that 2 out of the 4 exam fields must be on early modern topics.
Dissertation At least one faculty member affiliated with the Program in Early Modern Studies must be on the dissertation committee.
Teaching A student’s teaching assignments will be determined by GERM, with every effort made to assign a student to at least one course (or course equivalent) in early modern studies.